Neoen acknowledges the Wiilman Noongar people, Traditional Owners of the land on which Narrogin Wind Farm will harvest the energy of the wind. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

Clean Energy for Western Australia
Neoen Australia
We are building our first 4-hour long duration battery near Collie
Sharing Benefits
Making a difference in local communities
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The Narrogin Wind Farm is proposed as a 200 MW renewable energy
project comprising up to 25 wind turbines, near the towns of Narrogin
and WIlliams in Western Australia (WA).

This project will take advantage of some of the best wind resources in
WA to provide affordable and clean electricity. It has the potential to
host a big battery in the future.



Wind turbines are tall structures that can capture stronger winds at higher altitudes. The turbines can be between 150-295m in height.

Click map to enlarge


The Narrogin Wind Farm Project will be located on freehold land in WA, approximately 7km east of Williams and 10km west of Narrogin.

The project can connect into the state’s South West Interconnected System (SWIS) from an existing 220 kV transmission line near its southern boundary.



Regional economic boost during construction period plus a number of ongoing jobs

For the climate

More renewables, contributing to Western Australia’s net zero goal

For your community

Strong benefit-sharing commitments for the project’s lifespan

Project Lifecycle


Site Selection

We undertake research & early negotiations with landowners for options to lease or purchase sites that show potential for hosting renewable energy assets.



We create preliminary designs & initiate feasibility studies to identify site constraints. We commence early engagement with Traditional Owners, neighbours, local council and the community. We hold community information sessions locally.


Planning & Approvals

Extensive studies & surveys are undertaken to create detailed project design before submitting a Development Application (DA) to the West Australian Government. Ongoing community and governmental consultations help refine project plans. We initiate grid connection enquiries.



If the DA is approved, we conduct a procurement process to appoint a construction contractor. Grid connection agreements & energy contracts get finalised, and our focus shifts to securing financing from lenders. A networking session is held for local jobseekers, suppliers & businesses to discuss upcoming opportunities.



The site mobilises, local suppliers & jobseekers are appointed, and civil, mechanical & electrical works commence. The project becomes a reality as the construction team builds and commissions the wind asset.



We maintain the asset for at least 25 years to ensure strong energy generation & revenue optimisation. Our community benefit-sharing program begins contributing to local initiatives.


Decommissioning or Site Renewal

We decide on whether to continue operations or decommission the site. New construction works or site rehabilitation is undertaken.

Neoen’s DA proposal has been very well presented to the council and the
community — there has been a good process.

Ian Miffling

Collie Shire Councillor

Neoen has been contributing to Australia’s energy transition with 100% renewable energy since 2012.

With a balanced portfolio of wind, solar and big battery projects, we are aiming to achieve 10 GW by 2030. We own and operate all of the projects we build (rather than developing them to be sold) and as long-term neighbours we are committed to sharing the benefits with surrounding communities.

This dedication to community and environment has made us a renewable energy developer of choice in Australia.